Sermon Podcasts Believing that faith comes from hearing and hearing through the Word of God, we joyfully offer this selection of Bible teaching for your enrichment. The Lord of Glory (Part 2) Be Bold, Be Courageous God’s truth and Man’s falsehood The importance of the ten commandments The glory of the Lord Smoke on the mountain Losing one’s life to save it Preparing to meet the Holy God Who do you say that I am? God’s treasured possession Hold fast to the righteous Lord Lessons in Leadership Understanding Spiritual Blindness Praising God as we live in Australia Blessings in store Are we heading in the right direction? Feeding the 4,000 Be ready for Christ’s return Where are you Lord? Be ready in a hostile world To speak or not to speak Be ready - God’s word The divine announcement to the shepherds Amazing Faith The divine setting of the birth of Jesus It’s all about the heart part 2 The Divine announcement to Mary It’s all about the heart The wonder of God’s plan of Salvation Psalm 9 Victory against the enemy Jesus walks on water Why do you test the Lord? The Great Provider Part 2 The Great Provider Dealing with persecution Obedience - The test of faith The extraordinary calling Responding in praise Jesus Marvels at the unbelief The Battle Belongs to the Lord The comparison of Jesus Be encouraged to follow God Psalm 7 Belonging to God Power on Display Our Great God The Testing of Faith Saved and Sanctified The First Passover From trial to triumph Sovereignty, Judgement and Morality Being Fruitful Hearers The Blueprint for the Christian Home The Parable of the Sower True Light makes all the difference Doing the will of God Thus says the LORD (Part 4) Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit Thus says the LORD (Part 3) Prayer for protection from the Wicked Thus says the LORD (Part 2) Different responses to Jesus Thus says the LORD The King’s response to the hardened heart God demonstrates His Authority The Lord of the Sabbath Biblical Baptism What Does God Say About You? The Distinctiveness Of The Gospel Great Is God’s Faithfulness The King’s Call To Sinners Why LORD? Hope in Turmoil Who is the LORD? The King’s Authority to Forgive Sin Moses, It Is Time to Return The Touch of the King God’s Mediator The Priorities of the King I Am Who I Am A Day in the Life of the King The Mother Who Saw the Mighty Works of God Living In a Rebellious World Encountering the Living God Follow the King Moses Takes Matters Into His Own Hands The Arrival of the King (part 2) The Sovereign Hand of God The Arrival of the King To Whom Will You Obey? The Blessed Life Enjoy the Blessings, Endure the Bitterness Could It Be Possible? Why Do We Celebrate Good Friday? Praying At All Times Reach Out The Armor of God (part 3) Paul’s Final Instructions The Armor of God (part 2) Stewards in the Lord’s Work The Armor of God (part 1) Financial Stewardship The Believer’s Warfare The Great Victory God’s Plan for the Workforce Clinging to the Hope of the Resurrection God’s Plan for the Family Committed to the Church God’s Plan For Marriage Committed to Witness The Submission of a Christian Committed to Train Yourself for Godliness Be Filled with the Spirit The Commitment to Prayer Walk in Wisdom The Commitment of Obedience Walk in the Light True Commitment to the Word of God Total Commitment to the Lord The Response to the Birth of Jesus Born in Bethlehem Walking in Love The Announcement of the Birth The Life Worth Living (part 2) The Triumph of the Resurrection The Life Worth Living (part 1) The Consequences of Denying the Resurrection Christ’s Gift to the Church Gospel Clarity The Worthy Walk Assurance and Security The Building Up of the Church (part 4) Prayer For Enablement The Right Vision The Great Mystery Revealed The Building Up of the Church (part 3) Disunity No More (part 2) The Building Up of the Church (part 2) Disunity No More (part 1) The Building Up of the Church (part 1) Alive Together With Christ (part 2) The Greatness of Love (part 4) Alive Together With Christ (part 1) The Greatness of Love (part 3) The Prayer For All Believers (part 2) The Prayer For All Believers (part 1) The Greatness of Love (part 2) Divine Inheritance Guaranteed The Greatness Of Love (part 1) The Blessing of Redemption Crucial Lessons For A Wise Father We are so Blessed Due to God’s Sovereign Choice (part 2) The Uniqueness of the Body of Christ (part 2) We are so Blessed Due to God’s Sovereign Choice (part 1) The Uniqueness of the Body of Christ (part 1) Blessed With Every Spiritual Blessing The Gift Giving God (part 2) To Whom Will You Serve? The Gift Giving God (part 1) Priorities for the Future The Importance of the Lord’s Supper Unity Reaffirmed Why Was Jesus Baptized? ‘Look at what the Lord has done!’ Glory vs Shame (part 2) The Cities of Refuge Glory vs Shame (part 1) The Faithfulness of God Do All for the Glory of God What is God doing Today? The Missing Link Wholehearted Following Whom Will You Worship? Receiving the Inheritance The Danger of Disqualification God’s Promised Rest Running the Race of all Races Fearing the Great Judgement Doing It All For The Sake Of The Gospel There Has Been No Day Like It! Beware of Deception The Legacy of a Mother The Vital Necessity Of Renewal Forgo My Rights, Forward The Gospel The Fall of Ai What Prevents Me From Being Baptized? The Devastating Consequences of Sin Love Sets the Limits of Christian Liberty The Words of Hope (part 2) The Words of Hope (part 1) Time to Shout Reasons to Remain Single Essential Preparations Live As You Are Called The Stones of Remembrance A Biblical Understanding of Divorce The LORD Will Do Wonders Among You Single Mindedness Inside Enemy Territory The Intimacy of Marriage Be Strong and Courageous (Part 2) The Power of Worship Be Strong and Courageous Christ’s gift to the Church The Fields are White for Harvest The lukewarm Church Fishers of men The Faithful Church True discipleship transforms lives (Part 2) The Dead Church True discipleship transforms lives The Church that tolerated sin The cost of discipleship The Worldly Church Making disciples What to do with the Christ of Christmas? The suffering of Church Christ - The good news for all people The key is love The Christ that people missed Obedient to the end Our christian freedom and God’s glory Obedient to the end Standing strong in a time of crisis Baptism: An outward demonstration of a spiritual reality God’s plan for salvation Identity theft The integrity of Paul Identity theft The seriousness of sin within the Church Paul’s imprisonent in Caesarea The providential care of God Paul’s tough love Paul before the Sanhedrin The picture of humility The testimony of Paul Damaging pride The humility of Paul The right evaluation Courageous Commitment Everything Belongs to God Paul’s final words to the Ephesians leaders We are God’s buildings The heart of Paul It is time to grow up The pillars of ministry The heart of hatred The parable of the loving Father The powerful word Understanding God’s wisdom Breaking from the past The superiority of Gods wisdom Overcoming discouragement Wisdom vs Foolishness The son and the sabbath Divisions destroy Churches The dangers of idolatry Living out your calling Turning the World upside down The role of a deacon The power of praise Dealing with life God’s way By what authority? Freedom vs Slavery The family with a future Unfinished bussiness Jacob’s last words and actions Defending the Gospel Prospering in Egypt The evil intentions of Mankind Preservation in Egypt The World needs Christ centred preaching (Part 2) God’s plan for you Biblical Eldership (Part 2) Biblical Eldership Mothers - Ordinary women serving an extraordinary God The development of the Church The great transformation The all - encompassing Gospel Mercy on display The resurrected Christ Father, Forgive them the all-encompassing gospel Behold the King! Having an effective personal ministry The fiery trial The transformed life (Part 2) The transformed life The church on the move The great commission Willing to die The Wonder of Grace Defending the faith “Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God.” Dealing with those who God places in your path Being an instrument of God The Lord makes all the difference Off with the old and on with the new Practical Evangelism The vine and the branches The pattern for evangelism Developing the right heart The sin within the Church Building Relationships Being spiritually strong in 2022 When the impossible becomes possible (Part 3) Do you want to be healed? When the impossible comes possible (Part 2) Persecution and prayer When the impossible comes possible Spiritual Growth The truth about Jesus The foolishness of Man The healing at the gate Gods dealings in our everyday lives The fellowship of believers Heading down the right road The greatest crime in history (Part 2) A whole new perspective The greatest crime in history The devastation of sin Struggling with a new identity Losing Yet victorious Dealing with fear Who do you worship? Developing Godly character together The blessings of God The battle within The influence of a godly Father The principal of sowing and reaping Living in a messed up world The destruction of sin The all present God The birth of the Church Sovereign grace Spiritual heritage seen through generations Gods Providence on Display We are in this together Day of the Lord Passing on the baton It all has a meaning The heart of fellowship Pauls prayer for believers to grow in their spiritual reality What hinders fellowship? Pauls Prayer for strengthening Understanding our relationships Pauls prayer for understanding The privilege of being in the family of God The test of all tests The earthly kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ The privilege of being in the family of God The test of all tests Dealing with the joys and trials of life The problem with inconsistency Joy in heaven The faith of a Mother The charge to the Pastor and the challenge to the Church