
How do I become a Christian?

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes
in him should not perish but have eternal life.

- John 3:16


God the Creator

The Bible teaches that the all-powerful God is the creator and ruler of the world. He is holy and righteous. God cannot commit or overlook sin and requires holiness of us as well. (Genesis 1:1 , 1 Peter 1:15-26)

Humanity is sinful

The Bible teaches that we are sinners by nature and by choice openly rebel and we are separated from God and deserving of His righteous judgement of our sin. We are unable to save ourselves by any good deeds or works and we all need a Savior and that is Jesus Christ. (Romans 3:23 ,5:12)

Jesus died for us

The Bible teaches us that God loves us and sent His Son, Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sin. On the cross Jesus took our punishment by dying, which satisfied God’s demands. (Romans 6:23)

Jesus defeated death and sin

The Bible teaches us that Jesus did not remain dead, but He rose in three days defeating death, sin, and Satan. (1 Corinthians 15 :3-4, John 20:1-10)

We are free from sin and death

The Bible teaches that when we turn from our sinful state to Jesus alone by faith for salvation, God forgives us and restores us to fellowship with Himself. We are changed on the inside and given the desire to please God in all we do.  (Romans 10:13, Ephesians 2:8-9)